The excitement of an upcoming holiday often means packing bags, planning itineraries, and counting down the days until you depart. But in the midst of all the travel preparations, it's crucial not to overlook the importance of getting your home ready for your absence. A well-prepared home can ensure peace of mind while you're away and a smooth return to your daily life. In this blog post, we present your essential pre-travel checklist to make sure your house is holiday-ready.
1. Secure Your Home
First and foremost, ensure your home is secure. Lock all doors and windows and double-check that all entry points are properly sealed. If you have an alarm system, set it. Inform a trusted neighbour or friend of your travel plans so they can keep an eye on your property.
2. Adjust Your Thermostat
To save energy and money, adjust your thermostat before leaving. In the winter, lower it to prevent heating an empty house. In the summer, raise it to avoid unnecessary cooling costs. A programmable thermostat can make this task even easier.
3. Unplug and Turn Off Appliances
Unplug non-essential appliances and electronics to prevent energy waste and reduce the risk of electrical issues. Leave necessary appliances, like the refrigerator, plugged in. Also, consider turning off the water supply to prevent any leaks or flooding in your absence.
4. Clear Out the Fridge
Dispose of perishable items in your refrigerator to avoid returning to unpleasant odours or spoiled food. Consider leaving a small container of baking soda inside the fridge to absorb any lingering odours.
5. Stop Mail and Deliveries
Contact your local post office to halt mail delivery or ask a neighbour to collect your mail and packages. A buildup of mail is a clear sign that no one is home. Similarly, pause any newspaper or magazine subscriptions.
6. Set Lights on Timers
Use timers to mimic your normal daily routine. Set lights to turn on and off at appropriate times, creating the illusion of an occupied home. This deters potential intruders.
7. Check Smoke Detectors and Alarms
Make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are in working order. Replace batteries if needed. Safety should always be a top priority.
8. Secure Valuables
Store valuable items, important documents, and personal belongings in a secure place, like a locked safe. This adds an extra layer of protection to your home.
9. Inform Trusted Contacts
Share your travel itinerary, contact information, and a copy of your travel documents with a trusted friend or family member. This can be invaluable in case of emergencies.
10. Clean Up
Before leaving, tidy up your home. Wash dishes, take out the trash, and ensure there are no open containers of food that might attract pests.
11. Outdoor Considerations
If you have a garden, arrange for someone to water your plants or use a timed sprinkler system. Lock any outdoor sheds or storage areas.
12. Double-Check Locks
Before you walk out the door, perform one last walk-through. Check that all doors and windows are locked, appliances are off, and lights are set on timers.
By following this pre-travel checklist, you'll not only ensure your home's security and safety but also enjoy peace of mind during your holiday. With your house in holiday-ready condition, you can fully relax on holiday, knowing you'll return to a welcoming and well-maintained home.